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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to Deal with your Rival Like Batman

So what do you do when you meet your equal(more or less)? What do you do when you have to face him(or her)? A rival can make you better and destroy you completely. What if your rival was Superman? Your sort of screwed aren't you? Well not if your Batman because as you know Batman can do the impossible......
As Epic as Epic can get.
1. Know why your rival is your rival. Why is Superman Batman's rival? Well lets see. Superman bask in the light saving people by day while Batman hides in the shadows only operating at night time. Superman is loved by everyone, while Batman is considered a vigilante and is hunted down by the very people he tries so hard to protect. There almost complete opposites even with there costumes....Batman's black and grey vs. Superman's colorful red, white and blue. Your rival probably is your exact opposite but there's one thing you both have in common, power(or some form of it). Superman and Batman are incredible superheroes who could take each other on at anytime, actually Batman would probably need some time to prepare for an attack by Superman but I'm sure Batman would already see it coming. If your rival doesn't challenge to push your limits then they are not a rival they're more of an annoyance. If you are the weaker one and isn't up to stuff than look at your rival as something to prepare for and work toward.
2. Communicate with your rival (but not frequently). In the graphic novel epic The Dark Knight Returns (if you haven't read than stop what you are doing right now and go to your nearest library, iPad, or book store, if those even exist anymore, and buy it read it, read it again and then some more) Batman calls Superman for help (even though he is extremely reluctant). I don't want to give a spoiler, I just want to state a point. When there's something to be done that is beyond you than your rival is the perfect person to call upon. They match you in power and can probably provide much need ideas, manpower, money or whatever you need. Your rival doesn't have to be your enemy, it comes in handy for your rival to also be your friend.
3. Know your rival's weaknesses, because they probably know yours. Being friends is great but with all rivalries there comes a time when you need to face him (or her). That's why you must know your rival's weaknesses. You must continually have them in mind for that epic showdown between you two that's bound to happen. If you are ignorant of said weaknesses you will no doubt be at a huge disadvantage. Remember this is a person who matches you in power, but other than that is the opposite of you in every way. The ONLY way for you to beat your rival is to know their weaknesses. (Spoiler-ish) Like Batman knows Superman's weakness is kryptonite and uses this to great effect in the The Dark Knight Returns. So find your rivals kryptonite so you can ensure your chances of victory!

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