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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Adapt like Batman

Batman is super adaptive which could probably be considered as one of his super powers. This extreme adaptiveness serves as away to be victorious in every situation or/and escape a doomed fate. Batman can achieve these extraordinary feats by......
Batman....as a pirate.  Let this soak in.
1. Being extremely resourceful. If your stuck somewhere in a hopeless situation don't just give up. Look around you there's probably something that can help you. Unfortunatley it probably won't be easy to utilize but it'll be there. Never give up....something else that Batman is notorious for.
2. Remember what you're all about. There's a comic out there were Batman travels to a few different centuries and he's still kicking ass and foiling super villians. It's a great comic and an awesome example of how Batman's adaptive skills can come together. He knows he's Batman and what Batman does. You have to know who you are in extreme situations and you have to know what the true you would do.
3. Get help. Remember that comic where Batman goes through centuries in time? Well he wouldn't be alive to do that if he didn't have help. In extreme situations, even the Batman(who is known for I quote "working alone") needs help. So look for someone any one who could help you! They just might save your life.

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