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Friday, November 18, 2011

Eat like Batman

To be Batman you'd have to be at some kind of nutrional peak. Nurture yourself with the up most discipline. So how would Batman do it? That's what your about to find out.
Batman beefing up (M is for  meat man)

Let me start it all off with saying that I do this or have tried this and received Batman like results. I won't be putting up anything I haven't tried. So trust me.
This isn't a schedule or eating regimine. You can go all over the internet and find things like that but who has the money to follow something like that, eating a steak or some kind of expensive fish? Sure Batman does but I can't, you probably can't. So I've made up one simple rule that Batman would most likely follow:
That's the rule. Batman needs muscle to battle his way through thugs and a lot of protien to think his way out of sticky situations. He can't let fat slow him down or sugar to the brain distract his concentration.
This doesn't mean stop eating or live by a certain diet it just means to follow that rule and in about three days you'll feel different.
Should be eating three meals a day to get the maximum out of your body between specific times as in:
Breakfast - 5a.m and 10a.m. Lunch 11a.m. and 4p.m. and Dinner - 6p.m. and 10p.m. 
It's also VERY IMPORTANT  to drink(on average) eight cups of water per day(three cups during breakfast, 1 during lunch, and 2 during dinner).
If you want to get exact drinking methods for your body and climate visit this link: http://nutrition.about.com/library/blwatercalculator.htm
One last thing to eating like Batman. Batman DOES NOT eat chips or soda. Just don't eat or drink does two things unless your desperate, trust me! This may make one of the biggest differences to your body and eating habits! Stick to the rule stay away from chips, pizza, and soda, you'll do fine.

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